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Cisco Games

Fastest Game on the Arcade! The Binary game has been played about a million times all over the world. 
A fun way to learn binary numbers for networking. Before long, you’ll be converting eight-digit binary numbers to decimals in your

Subnet Game 

Does Subnetting frighten you? Imagine being a system administrator in top secret Area 51! This game helps you master your subnetting skills to use on the job or to prepare for your Cisco CCENT or CCNA Certification.

Wireless Explorer Game

Your spacecraft, equipped with the latest Cisco wireless technologies, is docking on planet Berellius Prime.
You must welcome aboard an envoy of alien scientists sent to study the latest technologies on Earth and configure open wireless access to the ship's mainframe correctly for each alien.

Cisco Mind Share Game

The Cisco Mind Share Game is the most comprehensive Learning Game from Cisco yet! This fun and challenging game covers more than half the content of the CCENT / CCNA exam. It was designed to reinforce a variety of standard networking skills and help you practice these new skills in preparation for CCENT and CCNA Cisco certification exams.

The Mind Share Game demo version covers 5 topics including:

  • Devices and Cables
  • The OSI Model
  • Binary numbers
  • MAC Addressing
  • Switch Basics

Achieving a high score in the game requires a keen understanding of the technology, quick recall and recognition, and shrewd gaming strategy. The Cisco Mind Share Game is a great way to improve your speed and accuracy on Cisco certification exams and have fun at the same time! You'll see immediately why thousands of networking professionals use learning games as the killer app in their exam preparation arsenal.

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